The community DiverTLes: Diversity in Language Technologies in Spainm an initiative within the framework of the thematic network of excellence PLNnet, presents the Round Table “PLN in international projects” to be held virtually on 18 January 2022 at 17.30.
On this occasion there will be 3 speakers (Zoraida Callejas, Elena González and Elena Lloret) who are currently involved in interesting international projects in which language technologies play an important role. Zoraida Callejas, MENHIR coordinator will be in charge of presenting our project in this event.
The speakers will present their projects and we will be able to discuss different aspects. On this occasion, the round table will be moderated by Encarna Segarra, professor and researcher in PLN at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Each of the speakers will present their work for 5-7 minutes and then establish a debate among the attendees, who will be able to ask questions, raise doubts or make observations.