Innovative technology for wellbeing: CS_AIW Cluster Meeting of Minds 4


On February 23-24, the “Cancer Survivorship – AI for Well-being” (CS_AIW) Cluster will hold its 4th Meeting of Minds, the first to be open to the public. It will revolve around the question “How can new technologies better support patients/users?“.

Primarily, the event aims at gathering important feedback from end-users.They will have the unique chance to share their insight and contribute to design a better tool based on their needs. Moreover, the Cluster members will present their projects with an overview of their work, the scope of their research and how they apply new technology in their solution designs.

The Meeting of Minds 4 will span over two days, from February 23rd to 24th (10 AM CET). The event’s Agenda, can be downloaded here:


The CS_AIW Meeting of Minds 4 is an online, open and free event. To participate, registration is mandatory. Register here to participate in the Meeting of Minds 4

More information:

To learn more about the Meeting of Minds 4 and stay updated about the event, check this page:

Alternatively, follow MENHIR and the Cluster members on Twitter, and follow the hashtag #CS_AIW

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